Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Surfer Magazines are in demand!

I saw a few of the surfer magazines that sold for $40-$50!

Antiques | A wave of interest in surfing history - Philadelphia Inquirer

Antiques | A wave of interest in surfing history
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA - Jun 30, 2006
... T-shirts, artwork," says author Campion, who edited both Surfer and Surfing magazines. ... have risen sharply in the last 10 years, with one vintage board selling ...

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Vintage Magazine Research Yields Surprising Results!

I've been amazed at the number of newer magazines that are selling well on eBay! For instance, the first four issues of the "Lost" magazine -- based on the hit television show -- are selling for up to $50 each! Same for the "Charmed" magazines, based on that TV show. It never ceases to amaze me what people go for on eBay!

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